Integrative Immunology (i2)


The i2 theme tackles the global analysis and modeling of the complexity of the immune system. As part of the i3 laboratory, its contribution is to

  • enlarge the frontiers of immunology in the context of complex systems with theoretical and experimental approaches, notably through our ImmunoComplexiT network,
  • participate to medical research diagnosis and therapies, therefore contributing to the overall “bench to bedside” research strategy proposed at the level of the research unit,
  • promote and develop systems immunology by the development of new statistical analysis strategies, as well as computer modeling and simulation schemes,
  • contribute actively to the training of young researchers in the laboratory (MSc, PhD, postdoc) as well as at the university level with particular involvement for this critical societal & cultural stake.
i2 expertise is in developing systems immunology approaches to study T cell differentiation and dynamics in physiological and pathological situations relying on statistical and dynamic computer modelling. Integration of multi-scale and multi-level data (flow cytometry, transcriptome, proteome, microbiome & repertoire) allows modelling the dynamics and repertoire diversity of lymphocyte populations as well as analyzing their gene expression.


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Contact info

Address: i2 - Integrative Immunology, Inserm UMRS 959 - Sorbonne Université, Bâtiment CERVI, CHU Pitié-Salpêtrière, 83 boulevard de l'Hôpital
City: Paris
Postal code: 75013
Region: Ile-de-France
Telephone: +33 1 42 17 65 11
Fax: +33 1 42 17 65 17

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