News & Events
Here are the project's latest news related to scientific events, publications, clinical trials and workpakages' activities.
Lancement de l'essai MS-IL2
MS-IL2 vient d'obtenir l'autorisation de l'ANSM pour étudier le potentiel thérapeutique d'IL2 à faibles doses dans la sclérose en plaques.
Specialized consultations
Specialized consultations have been established within i2B in order to accelerate patient access to various specialists in the consortium. This comprises internal medicine, pediatrics, and subspecialty departments. For furt...
Membranous nephropathy induced by enzyme replacement therapy (ERT)
A new cause of membranous nephropathy, a renal disease induced by formation of immune deposits in the renal glomerulus, has been identified in a child with Pompe disease treated with recombinant arylsulfatase. ERT could be resumed after tolerance inductio...
TRANSREG has been launched.
TRANSREG is a multicenter, uncontrolled, open-label study, comparing biological and clinical responses to the administration of low dose IL2 across 11 selected autoimmune diseases (12 patients/disease) including heumatoid arthritis,...