​News & Events


Here are the project's latest news ​related to scientific events, publications, clinical trials and workpakages' activities.


Lancement de l'essai MS-IL2

​​​​​​​MS-IL2 vient d'obtenir l'autorisation de l'ANSM pour étudier le potentiel thérapeutique d'IL2 à faibles doses dans la sclérose en plaques.

Specialized consultations

​Specialized consultations have been established within i2B in order to accele​rate patient access to various specialists in the consortium. This comprises internal medicine, pediatrics, ​​​and subspecialty departments​​. For furt...

Membranous nephropathy induced by enzyme replacement therapy (ERT)

A new cause of membranous nephropathy, a renal disease induced by formation of immune deposits in the renal glomerulus, has been identified in a child with Pompe disease treated with recombinant arylsulfatase. ERT could be resumed after tolerance inductio...

TRANSREG has been launched.

​TRANSREG ​​is a multicenter, uncontrolled, open-label study, comparing biological and clinical responses to the administration of low dose IL2 across 11 selected autoimmune diseases (12 patients/disease) including heumatoid arthritis,...